Supporting Besa School in Zimbabwe for better teaching conditions

Her first visit of Besa School in the Seke district in Zimbabwe in 1995 made Ministry of Impact founder Christiana Kant fall for Africa completely.

Now finding out in 2022 that Last Matare, brother of her passed friend and sister Linda Matare - who hosted her during her stays in Zimbabwe - is now the chairman of the areas school development committee seems like divine predestination to fullfill a dear wish of hers: support the development of the area of "her" African family after more than 25 years.

In order to give short time support for the children to be able to attend school, Ministry of Impact will launch a fundraiser on from 2023.

To be able to build the necessary infrastructure the school needs to teach more than 3000 students, we will start our first international funding campaign with the german development programme "Engagement global".

School Uniform Sponsorships

In order to provide uniforms for disadvantaged students, Ministry of Impact wants to invite you to take on a sponsorship for a child attending Besa School.

We strive to encourage a long time connection with you and the little student.

Donate your old laptop!

Besa School has constructed a computer room for their students but unfortunately so far not yet been able to equip it with computers.

You can support by donating your old laptop - especially when you are in Hamburg!

Christiana will then take it to Zimbabwe on her trip planned in March!